We consider West Valley your home and we would love to include you as we create a welcoming environment. 

We hope you will consider joining the TEAM. 


Whether you’re looking for friends, ways to connect, or want to grow on your spiritual journey, we've got something for you. Everyone has a talent given by God whether your good at organization or being a people person or creative, these are things given to us by God. West Valley wants to help you use your God given talent to grow His kingdom. Contact us to find out how you can use your talents today. Email contact@wvcch.org or call the church office at (818) 884-6480.



Come with us as you touch, feel, smell and experience the world with the same heart as Jesus Christ! You will be an extension of your Savior’s hands into the lives of others.  And your heart will be renewed as you answer God’s call for missions. 

That’s what we provide through Short Term Mission Trips… opportunities.

Opportunities to reach into the lives of others with the transforming message of Jesus Christ.  As you fulfill this call God is putting on your heart, you will return changed.  You will come back and see the world around you as God’s mission field that He has placed you.  You will love, give, serve, pray and live differently!

WEST VALLEY serves in Kenya, Samoa, New Mexico and in various local areas. 

Check the EVENTS below for current projects. Future trips are being discussed, check back for future opportunities. 

Upcoming Events

Hang tight while we look up scheduled events...

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We, as Christ followers, we are commissioned by God to serve those around us as Christ has served us. West Valley has joined hands with ministries locally and internationally to share the love of Christ with people throughout the world. West Valley is proud that 12% of your offering dollars goes to missions in our budget. 

CLICK on the links below to find out more details about our ministry partners. 

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